Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Collage of Chaos

I call this artwork "The Collage of Chaos". It shows the cause and effect of the war going on in Sudan. On the right is the 'Muslim side' and on the left the 'Christian side/view'. This is indicated by the boys with guns. The men in the top right hand corner is Omar Al - Bashir, the president of Sudan, and behind him is Adolf Hitler. This part signifies that Omar Al - Bashir is like Hitler, genociding other race and cultures, creating chaos throughout the land. On the left hand side there is a peace symbol because all the people want is balance and harmony. Due to the unbalance the Lost Boys had to flee their home and this by the map is signified. I believe that Al - Bashir has listened to the saying "For one civilization to rise, one must fall." What the message being sent is that the UN can't be responsible for everything but it is us humans that make the change.

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